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Displaying articles 41 to 60 out of 109 total.

Jack Tulloss: ‘Minority white’ population coming soon
07-27-2023 7:49 PM

When Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get,” he could have been referring to any Supreme Court decision handed down since the inaugural court was seated on March 04, 1789. For 234 years,...

Gaylord Saulsberry: Irked by school committee’s closed-door meeting
07-27-2023 7:49 PM

I was pleased to read that the contract with Amherst educators has finally been ratified by all parties [“Teachers contract done at long last,” Gazette, July 14]. I am equally displeased with the way the regional school committee decided to meet in...

Dave King: What about warmongers in McGovern’s own party?
07-19-2023 1:57 PM

 The Gazette recently published an article quoting U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern excoriating the Republican Party [“McGovern unleashes scorn on GOP,” June 24]. It is true the leadership of that party are sociopaths, bent on immiserating the most vulnerable...

Kent W. Faerber: Fourth of July event a rare treat
07-13-2023 11:26 AM

Huzzahs to Rey Harp and the crew of the Amherst Recreation Department, Cinda Jones and The Mill District, UMass, the Amherst Community Band, the Amherst Police and Fire departments, and all the countless others who worked so hard, together, to make...

Margo Culley: Affirmative Action decision a heavy blow
07-13-2023 11:25 AM

Though I am a white woman of a “certain age,” I took/take the Supreme Court’s decision on Affirmative Action as a blow to the head and heart. Growing up in a mostly all white community in Fairfield County, Connecticut and attending a majority all...

Kathryn Sternstein: Lawsuit endangers town curbs on large-scale solar
07-06-2023 12:36 PM

I am writing in support of Jill Buchanan’s column “Trying to muscle big solar into Shutesbury forestland,” [Recorder, June 12]. She wrote about the lawsuit filed against her town by the large multinational solar company AMP Energy and W.D. Cowls, a...

John Montanari: Questioning the ‘experts’
06-21-2023 7:54 PM

The authors of a recent letter to the Gazette say that only professional educators should determine school curricula and which books should be in school libraries, and that the rest of us should just shut up and mind our own business [“Why let anyone...

Mary Crotty Sharma: A disgusting display of waste 
06-21-2023 7:54 PM

I read the June 1 article with the headline “Earth is ‘really Sick Now.’” It is such a troubling thought … though far from news. It brought to my mind something I feel quite concerned about as part of this university community. The annual spring couch...

Adam Siegel: Be more chill — don’t scare off visiting celebrities
06-21-2023 7:54 PM

Hey Amherst, next time Harrison Ford shows up on the Common (never), or another such celeb (rarely, but occasionally) don't be foolish. Leave them alone. Be more chill, neighbors, you'll scare them off again!Adam SiegelAmherst 

Susan J. Tracy: Republican right has ‘canceled our culture’
06-08-2023 11:15 AM

While I agree with the letter writer that the fate of Vito Perrone at the hands of the Easthampton School Committee was a mishandled event, the writer offered no evidence of other people being “fired and disciplined” as a frequent occurrence of...

J. Edward Rollinson: What have we come to?
06-01-2023 6:19 PM

I have been the astonished observer during the past three years of a world where people seem to no longer like each other. I’ve seen families divided, people yelled at in stores and social media vitriol reach an all-time high.A video I saw some time...

Sanjay Arwade: Thank you UMass Baseball
06-01-2023 6:18 PM

Thanks to coach Matt Reynolds and the UMass baseball Minutemen for hosting our young players for a “Day with the Minutemen” at Lorden Field. Coach Reynolds and his players have been consistently generous with us over the years and are a credit to...

Robert Cabral: Time to ban gas-powered lawn equipment 
05-30-2023 9:07 AM

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Rrrrrrr, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Are we ready to confront the decadence of lawn care? Our 1950s lawn fetish is unsustainable and obnoxious. Elbow grease and electricity should be mandated as replacements for fossil fuels in this arena....

Cassandra Hemenway: Student journalists deserving
05-30-2023 9:07 AM

The student journalists for the Amherst Regional High School newspaper The Graphic are to be commended for their reporting, which has ultimately resulted in an apparent investigation into alleged transphobic behavior by three school counselors at...

Jeanne Shumway: Kudos to student newspaper
05-30-2023 9:07 AM

If ever a small, feisty newspaper deserved a Pulitzer Prize, it’s the ARHS student newspaper, The Graphic. Recent events at ARMS have not happened in a vacuum, but it’s only because of the good work and courage of the staff and advisors at the Graphic...

Susie Mosher: The demands of public service
05-30-2023 9:07 AM

Leave it to a long-time educational leader to turn a needed leave of absence for mental health reasons into a teachable moment. We must take care of ourselves in order to take care of others.Amherst School Superintendent Michael Morris’ decision to...

Julie Zuckman: Wishing school superintendent the best
05-30-2023 9:07 AM

Years ago, I worked at Crocker Farm School in Amherst when Michael Morris was the principal. In interactions with him involving disagreements about the parameters of my job, I saw some of the ways in which being a principal is an extraordinarily...

Ali Wicks-Lim: A message for Amherst’s trans and queer youth
05-30-2023 9:06 AM

Dear Trans and Queer Youth of the Amherst Regional Public Schools,This might feel like a hard time to be who you are. This is exactly the right time to be who you are. It is always exactly the right time to be who you are.You are not the problem. And...

Dr. Matteo Pangallo: Column perpetuated ‘grossly false narrative’
05-18-2023 4:30 PM

In her May 3 column, J. M. Sorrell casually asserts that the threat of rape is “a trans tactic” against cisgender women. This is the same demonstrably false and dangerous misinformation that the radical right has been spewing all around the country to...

Michael Levine: New school needs teachers, too
05-18-2023 4:30 PM

Now that Amherst has wisely decided to fund the new school, let’s hope that the town further decides to purchase the model that comes with teachers. Even though the ones with teachers may be slightly more expensive, it is likely well worth the...

Displaying articles 41 to 60 out of 109 total.

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