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By Line search: By JOHANNA NEUMANN

Columnist Johanna Neumann: Halfway there — 2023 a year for major green projects in Amherst
02-03-2024 10:53 AM


Happy 2024. After my last column, I got feedback from a reader who pointed out that I missed a topic in my round-up of environmental progress in 2023. She mentioned that I had completely failed to mention Amherst voters overwhelmingly approving plans...

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

My Turn: Whoever dies with the most stuff does not win
11-29-2024 11:41 AM


 Holiday time is nearly here. I’m so excited about filling my home with the smell of balsam fir and baking cookies and the sounds of my boys singing along to Chipmunks Christmas carols.I am not, however, looking forward to the crescendo of holiday...

Columnist Johanna Neumann: Rush for energy-hungry data centers is folly
11-07-2024 7:33 PM


For the past two decades, America has accomplished a minor miracle. Despite a growing population, ballooning home sizes, a spike in the number of electronic devices we own, and more, electricity demand has remained largely stable. That’s a testament...

Columnist Johanna Neumann: Solar on warehouses should be next big step
06-28-2023 8:02 PM


In the wee hours of the morning of April 14, when it was forecast to be a record-crushing 95 degrees, I met my intern Erica in the parking lot of the Big Y in Palmer. Together, we carpooled to Somerset, on Massachusetts’ south coast for a 9 a.m....

Displaying articles 1 to 3 out of 3 total.

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