Lois Barber: Stop Israeli violence in the West Bank
Published: 09-09-2024 10:41 AM |
I write as a member of the Western Mass. chapter of the American Friends of the Palestinian House of Friendship, a U.S.- based project that supports the Palestinian House of Friendship, a community organization in Nablus, West Bank, Palestine. The House of Friendship organizes programs for children, including summer camps, winter after-school activities, a Girl Scout troop, and a “green hands” initiative where children are taught to plant gardens and learn about the ecology of the land.
I am horrified by the latest news that the Israel Defense Forces and armed settlers have massively increased their violent attacks on communities in the West Bank. Please urge your government representatives to do everything they possibly can to see that our government presses the Israeli government to stop these violent attacks on the people living in the West Bank.
Lois Barber