North Common rehab in Amherst on schedule for June completion

As part of the North Common renovation in Amherst the Main Street  parking spaces will be replaced by new landscaping. Work is on schedule to be complete by the end of June.

As part of the North Common renovation in Amherst the Main Street parking spaces will be replaced by new landscaping. Work is on schedule to be complete by the end of June. GAZETTE FILE PHOTO


Staff Writer

Published: 01-22-2024 10:43 AM

AMHERST — Significant progress on upgrading the North Common this fall, with weather conducive for work both on the visible greenspace and below ground for drainage improvements, put the project on track to be finished by the end of June, town officials say.

Even though Caracas Construction of Ludlow has halted renovation for the winter, with the parking lot remaining a staging area, there is optimism that the $1.79 million, project, funded by Community Preservation Act money and a state Land and Water Conservation Fund grant, is on schedule.

“For years, the space was used to park cars,” Town Manager Paul Bockelman said of the 0.75-acre site in front of Town Hall. “The renovation will transform the downtown experience for residents and visitors alike.”

The interior of the common will have 8-foot-wide walkways as well as a large central seating area with tables. The walkway system incorporates small circular and semi-circular sitting areas with benches.

The design also incorporates a sloping lawn west of Town Hall behind the plaza that is terraced with multiple granite seating walls. Additional site improvements include new benches, tables, trash receptacles, bus shelter, bike share station, and site lighting.

Main Street, South Pleasant Street and Boltwood Avenue will also be improved, with Boltwood becoming a one-way road heading south, and its length in front of Town Hall to be transformed into a raised plaza that can be closed to traffic for events.